Oh it's been quiet here, I am sorry! September/October was a super busy time, and I've neglected my poor old blog. .But, I'm looking forward to showing you lots of gorgeous images, starting with this beautiful threesome who came to see me as part of the NCT Aberdeen Photo Fundraiser event! Every year, local photographers help to raise money to help support local parents across the region, and it's always really popular, with slots selling out in less than 2 hours this year! Thank you to everyone who purchased a slot, which helped the branch raise hundreds for their support groups and services
Sarah - Outdoor Family Session in Aberdeen
Even with 5 adults accompanying her, it was definitely young Miss Sarah who took us for a walk on this lovely family session last month! So full of mischief and quite literally a whirlwind of gorgeous curls and giggles, we had great fun running around in the woods on a lovely sunny afternoon.
The seasons are changing and my most favourite (and busiest) time of year for family sessions is coming up! Autumn is a wonderful time to capture you all together, with the beautiful gold and red colours of the trees providing the perfect backdrop. Pop me a line here and tell me what you'd love for your session!
A New Adventure
It feels like no time and forever since a small, not quite 8lb bundle of baby boy was placed in my arms. In the light of a new moon and under the darkness of an eclipse, our lives were irrevocably and wonderfully changed forever by Toby's arrival. And tomorrow, he will begin a new adventure at school, setting foot in to his Primary One classroom and starting a journey of his own. I'm not sure how this day has sneaked up on us so fast - 7 weeks of holidays seems like a long time as they stretch ahead of you at the end of the summer term. But they have passed in a whirlwind of playdates, sleepovers, park/zoo/soft play/cinema visits, beach trips + train rides, and lazy, snuggly days. Whilst the return to routine will be welcome, I wish we could have those weeks all over again. T has a little sister who is going to miss her 'best friend Buboo' very, very much. They adore one another (in between fighting over Lego), and we had a lovely time yesterday capturing some final holiday moments of them both.
Good luck to all the Primary One starters tomorrow - deep breaths Mums, they will be FINE (that's what I'm telling myself anyway!)
Pre Wedding Session in Aberdeen
Amanda and Keil are becoming Mr and Mrs this Saturday, and their son Magnus and I just can't wait! We met up a couple of weeks ago to chat through the final details of their day, and do a pre wedding photo session. This is a great a chance for everyone to relax and feel comfortable in front of the camera before the big day....although I don't think young Magnus has any issues with feeling camera shy! SO handsome.
Looking forward to lots of laughs and dance floor action - it's going to be a fantastic day!
Amber - Baby Photography Aberdeen
Amber and her gorgeous mama joined me for a mini session a few weeks ago, and I couldn't resist sharing just the teeniest of peeks with you!
Now is the perfect time to book your summer session - I have limited availability throughout July and August so pop me an email to secure your space!

Kirstin and Felix - Aberdeen Family Photography
Kirstin is a wonderful mama to 3 beautiful boys, and I was so happy when she booked a session with me for her and her youngest son, Felix. The weather agreed with me and the sun came out, meaning we could unleash all of Felix's gorgeously nommable rolls of baby pudge - how Kirstin doesn't nibble him all day long I don't know!
Here's just a few images from their session - I'll be running another day of mama sessions in the summer. Email me to be put on the mailing list for more information

NCT Aberdeen - Mothers Day Mini Sessions
I had a great day at the end of February running a day of Mothers Day mini sessions for NCT Aberdeen City and Shire branch. Here's a few images to brighten your weekend!

Family Photography in Aberdeen - Luke
Luke and his baby sister were meant to come and see me at the NCT Aberdeen photo fundraiser sessions, but unfortunately the weather got the better of us. Thankfully our second attempt along the railway line in Peterculter was far more successful, and I thought I'd share a wee snippet from their session with you all! (check who has gotten so big since I did her newborn session!)

NCT Aberdeen Photo Fundraiser - Jack
We just about managed to avoid the rain for our NCT Aberdeen Photo Fundraiser Mini Session day at the end of February, but it did catch up with me in the end! But it was lovely to meet and photograph 11 amazing families, and Jack's mum has given me permission to share these images with you ahead of Mothers Day! Jack was just the absolute cutest - I mean look at that smile! How could you resist such a gorgeous face? No matter what the Aberdeen weather was up too, this little man had smiles aplenty.

NCT Aberdeen Photo Fundraiser
I've been volunteering with the local Aberdeen branch of the NCT (National Childbirth Trust) since my first baby Toby was born (a whole 4 years now!). It's been an amazing way to make new friends, and help make a difference to parents in the area - whether that be helping at the sling library or organising fundraising events. We've been running successful photo fundraisers for a couple of years, but we decided to chance the weather last October and offer 2 days of outdoor mini sessions. Not only did it help to raise vital funds for charity, it meant Christmas presents for Mums and Grans were sorted in one fell swoop! If you haven't heard of the NCT or what it provides for parents in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, you can pop over to their Facebook page
I had an amazing time meeting over 20 families across the 2 days, with lots of happy, smiley little ones all ready to rock their sessions. Here's just a small selection of images - it was almost impossible to choose a couple of favourites!

Could these two be any more handsome?

Jasper and Callum both rocking a good knitted jumper - is there anything cuter?

I know, I know....I've got to stop with the cute....

More? Oh go on then....

I'm looking forward to doing another photo fundraiser day for NCT Aberdeen next weekend, in advance of Mothers Day at the end of March. The slots are currently sold out, but you can email aberdeen@nct.org.uk to be put on the waiting list!
Aberdeen Family Photography - Babywearing Session with Jemma
Jemma had been kindly gifted a babywearing session with me, to celebrate the arrival of her beautiful daughter. We took a wander along the Deeside Railway Line with baby E, who had promptly nodded off in the carrier! Babywearing is a great way for you to bond with your baby - you can't go wrong with hands free cuddles!

Aberdeen Family Photographer - Outdoor Photography in Aberdeen
Toddlers often (always?) have their opinions on what they do and don't want to do. I have a wide reaching repetoire of songs/silly noises/tv theme tunes/jokes and dance moves to get them on side, that I am ready to utilise no matter how daft it makes me look! I didn't need any of them for the beautiful Miss India though - she was an absolute superstar from start to finish
Here's just a small selection from our session in Johnston Gardens back in November

Aberdeen Family Photography - Outdoor Family Session
Sometimes as a photographer, you strike really, really lucky, and this was the case for Sarah's family photography session in Aberdeen. The light was gorgeous, and her daughters were impeccably behaved, making my job of capturing beautiful images of them all, super easy. I had such a hard time whittling down their gallery, but here is a small selection from the time we spent together

"Sometimes when you pick up your child you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of their neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood - finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without.”
Family Photography Aberdeen - Outdoor photo session with A+A
I was so lucky with the Aberdeen weather over the autumn. While it was a grey and overcast day on the morning of twins A+A's session with their mum and dad, the light in Johnston Gardens was beautiful and we had a great hour or so playing in the park, looking for magical trees and getting in to mischief!
Outdoor family sessions are a great way to get some amazing images whilst letting the kids blow off steam at the same time - and as a busy family, you don't want your photo sessions to feel like a chore. I do my very best to make it as enjoyable as possible for all involved, so you have some lovely memories to look back on! Why not pop me a message to discuss your family session?

Babywearing Photography - Rachael
Another of my big passions is babywearing, so when I get to combine it with photography, it makes me very happy indeed. Rachael joined me for a babywearing session and we headed off down to the River Dee to capture some images of her and her beautiful boy. Babywearing makes getting around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire super easy - wherever you can go, baby can too! For local sling advice and support for you and your baby, visit Sling Fling
Here's just a couple of images from their mini session - and Rachaels thoughts immediately after her session
"Thank you for today Vivienne. I'm always a bit uncomfortable getting my photo taken at the best of times, but you put me and Braydon at ease and I really enjoyed it.
I absolutely adore the photo you shared. Such a special moment of me and my boy that I will cherish forever and I can't wait to see the others"